Meet the 2024 Recruitment Team


Adelaide Wedholm (Panhellenic President)

Year: Senior

Major: Biology and Sustainability and Coastal Resilience

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM’s should go Greek because of the amazing leadership opportunities you can get!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience has to be receiving my littles!

Sarah Haley (V.P. of Recruitment)

Year: Senior

Major: Marine Science

Minor: Sustainability and Coastal Resilience

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM’s should go Greek to open themselves up to countless new opportunities and experiences to last a lifetime!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience was Greek Week and participating in the Spelling Bee!

Taylor Balint (V.P. of Recruitment Counselors)

Year: Senior

Major: Communications

Minors: Marketing and Social Media

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM’s should go Greek to create new experiences, find their people, and all the leadership opportunities!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

It is impossible to pick a favorite experience because I love so much of what I’ve done, but being a Recruitment Counselor last year and being my chapeter’s New Member Educator are the most memorable!

2024 Recruitment Counselors

Recruitment Counselor Groups 1 and 7

Logan Boisvert

Year: Junior

Major: Recreation and sports management

Minor: Communications

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going Greek helped me become more open as a person, and find my group of people. It also helped me grow into leadership and gain so many traits and life lessons! PNMs should go Greek to find memories and friendships that will last them a lifetime!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experiences were Big/Little Reveal, and getting involved in the community. I also have had the opportunity to create cross-council programs and that has been so amazing!

Annabel Lasher

Year: Senior

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Joining Greek Life is a great way to meet all types of people and grow connections with others that you may not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. It is also a great way to be more involved in the community.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience was Big/Little Reveal. Getting my big completely changed my sorority experience.

Megan Quinn

Year: Senior

Major: Marine Science

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

I believe PNM’s should go Greek because of the unlimited opportunities they will encounter that will allow them to grow as women. I would not be the person I am today without my Greek Life experiences and I am forever grateful for my time here.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience was my chapter’s founders day celebration in 2023. We were celebrating a milestone for our chapters founding and many alumni came to celebrate with the active members. It was such a special moment to get to meet new alumni as well as see the ones that I know from being an active member and it reminded me of how special my organization and chapter are.

Anna Terhune

Year: Junior

Major: Marketing

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Getting involved with the Greek community is one of the best things I have done. You meet so many amazing people and are given so many opportunities to get involved and to make a difference in the community. Coming from New Jersey, I had no idea what I was doing 10 hours away from home, I wanted to find my people and I 10000% found them here! I was hesitant at first but I can confidently say now this was one of the best choices I’ve made!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

How could I possibly just pick one?? There are so many amazing memories I hold so dear to my heart. But if I had to choose one, it would have to be getting my two perfect littles. My big and my littles have shown me what it means to be a woman and I am beyond thankful for all of them. My fam means the world to me and my Greek life experience wouldn’t be the same without them.


Recruitment Counselor Groups 2 and 8

Shannon Grenham

Year: Senior

Major: Marketing

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going Greek allows you to create memories that will last a lifetime. You will always have a friendly face while walking on campus, a friend to grab coffee with, or a shoulder to cry on.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience was getting my littles. They have both quickly become the sisters I never had, and I am so grateful to have them in my life.

Riley Lehman

Year: Senior

Major: Communication

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

It’s an amazing way to get involved on campus and meet like-minded individuals. There are countless leadership opportunities and experiences in Greek life!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience was being an RC last year, I loved working with PNMs! Also, Big/Little Reveal when I got my little!

Livingston Finney

Year: Junior

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

It’s a great way to get involved on campus and in the community. There are so many opportunities during the Greek experience and you get to meet so many unique people!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience is a sisterhood retreat my chapter did at a trampoline park. It was so fun!!

Brooke Holland

Year: Junior

Major: Biology

Minor: Psychology

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going greek is a great way to make meaningful connections and gain leadership skills!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

Doing Chant Rock!


Recruitment Counselor Groups 3 and 9

Laney Barber

Year: Junior

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Minor: Pre-Health Professions

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

I believe everyone should go Greek for the amazing opportunities and relationships you can get out of this community. It is a great way to branch out and meet like-minded women that can end up becoming your best friends!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite experience has been meeting my best friends both within my chapter and in other chapters in our community. These women have truly made my transition to Coastal the easiest thing I have done.

Avery Bailiff

Year: Sophomore

Major: Special Education

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

As a current recruitment counselor, I believe that going Greek is more than just joining an organization; it's about finding a second family and a home away from home. The bonds formed within Greek life are deep and enduring, offering PNMs not only a support system during their college years but also lifelong friendships that transcend graduation. Being part of Greek life is an opportunity to create cherished memories, share traditions, and make a positive impact in the community, all while surrounded by a network of individuals who truly care about each other's growth and success.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience was Big/Little Reveal. Receiving my family within my sorority was an incredibly sentimental experience for me. It wasn't just about gaining new friends; it was about finding a family who loved me wholeheartedly and welcomed me into their lives with open arms. At that moment, I felt a profound sense of belonging and love, knowing that I had found my home away from home and a support system that would stand by me through thick and thin.

Olivia Stefanics

Year: Junior

Major: Hospitality, Resort, and Tourism management

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Joining a Greek organization can offer many benefits to PNMs, including a supportive community that can provide personal and professional opportunities. It can also help your college experience through leadership development, philanthropic involvement, and making great lifelong friendships.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience so far has to be doing Chant Rock. I met so many great people and became closer to others!

Melissa Egner

Year: Senior

Major: Elementary Education

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM's should go Greek because it can help make the transition into college easier. Greek life creates a support system for students, helps them grow as individuals, and creates opportunities for involvement on campus and in the Greek community.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life Experience was my Bid Day! Opening my bid and running home to my sorority for the first time was extremely heartwarming. Experiencing everyone’s excitement and love towards my New Member Class still warms my heart.


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Baylei Lezaun

Year: Senior

Major: Intelligence and National Security

Minor: Applied Mathematics

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going Greek has positively impacted my college experience tremendously by providing me with opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise! These women have supported me throughout everything and have made Coastal feel like my second home. It has given me tons of leadership opportunities and has allowed me to meet more students, faculty, and alumnae.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience is the Field Day IFC held to raise awareness and money for the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. It was awesome to see so many people from all of Greek Life come together to support a cause. I was able to have fun and play games while helping an amazing cause.

Jamya Davis

Year: Senior

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: Sport Studies

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM’s should go Greek to find forever friends and open up opportunities to new leadership and community-building experiences.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experiences are Big/Little Reveal and Formal!

Amanda Meno

Year: Senior

Major: Public Health

Minor: Marketing

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM’s should go Greek because it is a wonderful way to feel a sense of belonging on campus. The friendships and support to be built through Greek life are lifelong.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience was going through the formal recruitment process in the Fall. I was able to connect with so many girls going through the same process as me and speaking with girls from different chapters allowed friendships to build past recruitment.

Sarah Antine

Year: Senior

Major: Psychology

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNMS should go Greek to make new connections throughout campus. It is a great way to be interactive, involved, and make lifelong friends. It also offers many leadership and service opportunities!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience was getting my Big, Little, and the rest of my fam! They have been my backbone throughout college in so many ways and have taught me to expand outside of my comfort zone.


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Kathy Lopez

Year: Senior

Major: Marketing

Minor: Graphic Design

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going Greek opens up so many doors for you. Because of Greek life, I have had so many leadership and networking opportunities that I wouldn’t have had if I wasn’t a part of an organization.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

Getting my little was such a wholesome moment in my life. All of the bed-decorating days that led up to it built so much anticipation and excitement for both me and her! I see a lot of myself in her but we’re also very different in some ways. I’m so glad Greek life brought me to her.

Hailey Eisentraut

Year: Junior

Major: Intelligence and National Security

Minor: Sociology and Peace and Conflict

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

It’s a great way to make new connections and build a stronger support system in college. You will have so much fun and find your forever friends.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite experiences in Greek life is growing my friendships and meeting some of my best friends. Especially when I got my family and my amazing big.

Ella Swantek

Year: Senior

Major: Marine Science

Minor: Photography

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Being in a Greek organization has given me so many opportunities and taught me so much about myself, and how to grow as a leader. Greek life opens up so many connections, and has truly become my home away from home. Being in Greek life means having a support system of the strongest and most inspiring women on campus!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience has been being able to serve on my organizations executive board. I was able to learn how to be a leader, and how to work in a team. Most importantly, I learned how to ask for help when needed and rely on others. Serving my chapter was hard work, but incredibly rewarding!

Allison Nolan

Year: Junior

Major: Sustainability and Coastal Resistance

Minor: Public Health

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM's should go Greek for the new experiences, and relationships. To be able to find not only your forever home on a campus but your lifelong best friends too.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek Life experience has to be chant rock, whether you're a dancer or in the audience it's a great day to see everyone come together for such a great cause. You get to bond not only with your own organization but with another one as well.


Recruitment Counselor Groups 6 and 12

Sophia Passias

Year: Senior

Major: Finance

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Joining a sorority offers an incredible opportunity to form deep connections and lifelong friendships with like-minded sisters. It's a chance to be part of something bigger, to grow personally and professionally, and to positively impact your community through philanthropy and service. Embracing Greek life means becoming part of a supportive network that will cheer you on through every triumph and challenge, making your college journey all the more meaningful and memorable.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

One of the best times in Greek Life was my chapter’s philanthropy walk. Seeing all my sisters and friends from different organizations coming together to support a cause we all care about made me so happy. My chapter’s philanthropy is something that really matters to me, so being part of that event meant a lot.

Lainey Scoville

Year: Senior

Major: Communication

Minor: Marketing

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

Going Greek is an amazing way to meet people and make amazing connections around campus. It is a way to get involved and meet people. It is a great way to learn leadership skills and give back to your community.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

Getting my Big who is now my best friend!

Anna Brake Plummer

Year: Junior

Major: Business Management

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNM's should go Greek because it is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Each chapter's philanthropy and community service is a great way to give back to the community through volunteering.

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience is the Bid parties after Bid day. It's a great way to have fun with your new sisters and an opportunity to relax after a stressful week.

Shelby Sutton

Year: Junior

Major: Criminal Justice

Minor: Criminology and Sociology

Why should PNM’s go Greek?

PNMs should go Greek because it is the best way to meet new people and find a circle of girls who you connect with and get along with. It can be a tough and intimidating experience but the experience itself is worth it and is very life-changing and adds to the college experience. I highly recommend girls going through this process and if they are questioning if they should I think they should!

Favorite Greek Life experience?

My favorite Greek life experience was being on the chapter side of recruitment and being able to meet a ton of new girls and forming connections with them. I also enjoy seeing where they end up running home. Bid day was also my favorite part of the whole process.